Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sacco River Run!

OK, We did not stay t or rent from River Run, although I suggest that you do: they are great folks and have taken care of us several times in the past. We stayed at Shannon's Sanctuary instead and with three small boys in tow,it was a better choice and we even escaped tangling with the on-site attack dogs this time! There is a little Rec Room there and plenty of other kids running around (on the weekends) so they had things to occupy their time while the adults were doing "rustic" domestic activities. Fun campfires, and lots of yummy s'mores and melted mash mellows were the order of the evenings.

On one of the days we hiked the Fire Warden's Trail up Pleasant Mountain. The main party made it nearly to the top before succumbing to exhaustion. A (purposeful?) miscalculation in distance had us believing that, after hours of hiking, we were only 3/4 of the way to the summit (we are not in very good shape). In fact, we were within feet of it!

The next day we were rained out. We went shopping at International Mountain Equipment in North Conway NH. A store dedicated to hard-core climbing and mountaineering, we felt kind of ashamed to be in there after our failure the day before. The store is owned by one of the member's of my in-laws church and has a second-hand section where we found a used back-pack for my nephew to use hiking with his youth group. I bought a water bottle and some Cliff Bars which are not only good trail snacks but also made by a company that is supportive of my one real outdoor passion: cycling. The rest of the day was spent at über Blast where the kids burned off all their rainy-day energy.

The next day was out day on the river. I don't know why I get scared of this river, probably because I live right on the Merrimack and that my friends, is a scary-ass river! The Sacco, in July? Not so much. We had a great trip down the river, putting in at Lovell Pond and paddling down to the state ramp in Brownfield. The original plan was to go all the way to the camp but another Distance Measuring Error put is on shore just shy of our goal. I'm starting to wonder about my navigator.... One thing that we noticed was that there was a lot of trash along the river but it was all neatly bagged up and left in piles. As if some one comes along and clans it all up. I am confused by this but know little of local River Lore, so can only speculate at best.

For the final day we dropped off the older boys and headed over to Story Land. Opened in 1954, the year before Disney World, this little them park was owned by the same family until 2006! Now it is owned by a small. locally owned them park company that is also family owned. It's nice to see that in today's day and age. That place is just more fun than can be described for a pre-schooler (and his parents)! Needless to say, it was a quiet car ride home for Dad! We drove over the Kankamangus and had supper a the Tilt'n Diner, which was as fund s ever!

Now back to reality. Un-pack every thing and get it clean and dry. Deal with my mirky fish tank and try to get this family active at some point so that there are no more "accidental" distance issues!

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