Monday, March 14, 2011

Plastic Tide is in!

One more reason to scorn our neighbors in the Land Of Cheep Cigarrettes. Their toxic fucking waste. It seems that the Town Of Hookset misplaced thousands of plastic disks contaminated with bacteria including e-coli from their sewarage treatment plant. They have washed up on the banks of the Merrimack down in the Newburyport area. I saw Clean Harbors crews picking these things up in Cashman Park and at the Joppa Park boat ramp. Of course there was SO much other crap on the shore there that they were NOT picking up, I tend to wonder why they are bothering.

In other news, we fitted the baby backpack up for The Bruce this season. Very little change in the straps that hols him in. More change was noted in the waist strap that goes around ME however.

Found a Geocache in Newburyport in a wonderful little park that I never knew was there!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Yes. I am reactivating this blog as I enjoy so much more outdoor activity than simply biking, although I have high hopes for my cycling this season. I want to write about my hiking, fishing and grocaaching and paddling as well as my motorcycle activities. Again and as always, this Blog is a journal for myself. I hope that if others stumble uppon it they might fins it interesting or even informative.

So without further ado, the Grand Relaunch of the Outdoor Me is in effect!